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Interest rates could be coming down 17th April Uncategorised

Interest rates could be coming down

There are promising signs for rate watchers hoping for an earlier interest rate cut, with new data pointing to a cooling economy. UK inflation has fallen to its lowest level in two and a half years, as price pressures continue to ease. The consumer prices index has dropped to 3.2%…

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Estate agents would be forced to finish higher education under Labour plans 29th January Uncategorised

Estate agents would be forced to finish higher education under Labour plans

Estate agents would have to go back to school and achieve minimum level of qualifications as part of Labour plans to drive cowboy operators out of the housing market. Labour’s shadow housing minister Matthew Pennycook has tabled an amendment to incoming housing reforms which would require all estate agents to…

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Why do Solicitors tend to exchange on Fridays 26th January Uncategorised

Why do Solicitors tend to exchange on Fridays

What proportion of exchanges take place on a Friday? Turns out that over the last three years, on average, the proportion of exchanges increases through the days of the week, starting from 14% on Mondays through to a high of 28% of Friday. So that sorts that. Our social media…

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